Chowder bay, Australia


My next trip leads me to Australia where i was hosted by the Australian rolex OWUSS coordinator, Jayne Ienkins. I seriously had a lovely time there. To be honest, I was not expecting the diving to be so good. We were diving from shore, 15 minutes from the centre of Sydney. Nothing really exciting… Well iIrealised very quickly how wrong I was! On my first dive I saw 3 frog fish, Plenty of seahorses, morays, crabs, cuttle fish and a massive bull ray! Sydney harbour is definitively a place to dive!   

Jayne helped me a lot with my photography skills and introduced me to Chris Miller who gave me some great tips about underwater videography . 

Here is the link to my very first attempt of video. It is about The Unexpected Inabitants of Chowder bBy, Sydney. ==> Chowder bay, Australia.
