I am absolutely thrilled to share with you all that I have been awarded the first pilot filmmaker grant from the Our World-Underwater Scholarship Society in Europe!
The Society has awarded me this grant to help me develop my first natural history film alongside the skills needed to progress within the industry. I can’t thank the OWUSS European team enough for their support and generosity during this process!
The main aim of this project is that in a years time I will have produced my first film which I will be able to showcase to you all here and maybe even have the possibility to distribute to other platforms! I will be drawing on the expertise, advice and knowledge of professionals within the film-making industry and top researchers in marine biology! Alongside the help and guidance of Camera Operator Jessica Mitchell who has kindly agreed to help and mentor me! Having worked on productions such as the BBC’s Green Planet, I am delighted to have Jessica helping me on this film and her help will be invaluable!

In order to make this project a reality, Esprit Film and Television have also kindly donated kit hire! This has allowed me access to the cameras and underwater housings that are essential to making this film! I would also like to say a massive thank you to Esprit Film and Television for allowing me access to this amazing kit, to make this film the best it possibly can be!
I would also like to thank RED Digital Cinema Cameras and Jessi Laday for their support in this film and potential distribution once the film is complete!

Having graduated from The University of Plymouth a year ago I would never have thought I would be in this position. I now have the opportunity to create a film that will shine a light on Britain’s stunning and often underappreciated coastline! I will be sharing more about the story of the film along with sharing behind the scenes as I go along so be sure to keep checking back to this account as things are going to get a lot busier on here as I begin this journey!
For now though I want to thank everyone on here that has supported me to this moment, including my family, friends and the Our World-Underwater Scholarship Society!
Last but not least thank you to Aaron Hindes for the amazing photos of me with the kit!